Saturday 28 March 2015


Technology nowadays Internet is the main channel to get information quickly and easily. Internet is a network of can information obtained through the computer. However, despite the advantages obtained from the internet, there are adverse effects arising without doubt. Internet indirectly poisoned the minds of today's youth.

In addition, the internet can also absorbing a student. Students spend much of their time by visiting the website in the form of entertainment to another level. The time should be allocated to the revision wasted. As a result, students will be left behind in terms of academic excessive Internet use and without control also causes teens to become lazy to be active in extra-curricular activities. Curricular activities such as sports and association can nourish the body does not get response from students. Teenagers would rather spend time d front of a computer.

In addition to making lazy teenagers attending extra-curricular activities, social issues also arose, which became a burden to society. Teens who visit cyber cafes will be more vulnerable to social problems such as loitering or gangsterism. In addition, the teens are also susceptible to yellow culture obtained from the West.

In conclusion, the parents should supervise their children while surfing the web pages on the internet. Cooperation of all parties is necessary in order to effect good use of the internet is not covered by the ugliness of the internet. Teens need to be led as a teenager today is a milestone in the country's future.

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