Saturday 28 March 2015



    Malaysia is famous for its uniqueness which has a multi-ethnic population. This is the recipe and catalyst towards achieving national success. As concerned citizens, we have a responsibility to maintain this harmony. Among the importance of preserving unity is to create an atmosphere of community life in peace and harmony. Spirit of mutual respect and understanding of each other were able to avoid any negative feelings sepertihasad spiteful, selfish and others. The good relationship is not only a basic closely a peaceful life but also the prosperity of the country.

    Moreover, harmonious life is also the main bridge towards progress. Prosperous country allows people to take the opportunity to improve their standard of living. All parties can work together to assume their respective duties without any suspicion. As a result, our country will build a stable covering aspects of life. The rapid development of our country on par with developed countries in the world.In addition, our government has established a high standard of Schools makes school in malaysia can maintain solidarity and nurtured from the outset of the children. Educational institutions with a pattern of racial unity is helping people to recognize each other and to respect the culture and customs of the races this item to another secaratuntasnya guarantee the stability of the close relationship between the races.

    Next prosperity that exists with this recipe unity is also a result of the country's vision and mission goals. For example, the government launched a new Economic Policy and Vision 2020.
Inspired by the vision of these leaders stoke lagiusaha maintain racial unity. This is clearly evidenced by the concept of fairness in terms of acquiring wealth. All people have the opportunity to venture into ekonomimengikut skills and their respective businesses.

    In conclusion, progress and prosperity of a country is highly dependent on the good relations between communities. parable; 'united we stand, divided we fall' is synonymous with efforts to maintain national unity for the sake of well-being.

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