Wednesday 29 April 2015


Genetic engineering involves research and genetic modification of humans, animals and plants. There have been many successes achieved by researchers abroad in this aspect so that there is extensive coverage of international media. However, each technology must be good and bad effects.

The possibility of the positive aspects of genetic engineering are the couple who had no children. Now, there are technologies and methods that enable such couples who have children with easy and secure. The presence of children in a family is certainly capable of providing more cheerful atmosphere envisioned by humans.

In fact, this technology can also make a preliminary investigation to determine that the child would be born that does not have any particular defect. Such action makes genetic determinism is certainly capable of providing a relief to the parents of children who will receive it in their lives.

The most interesting impacts brought by this technology is the livestock industry will be able to be extended. Definitely more high-quality livestock breeds can be produced easily and quickly. The results of such animals give humans an important source of protein to ensure keseinambungan human life. Farmers will not experience any problems critical to generate good results.

However, genetic engineering has also brought negative impacts which should be emphasized by the public. There will be certain groups that will use this technology to do things that are contrary to the teachings of religion and law. Human cloning for any action that would cause hardship to the negative elements of society. Imagine that criminals can easily change and complicate the police prevent them from committing crimes repeatedly.

In conclusion, genetic technology is good for humans only that we should be aware of the limitations that exist. Any attempt to use this technology to bring the problem to human life should be outlawed by the government. Proposed technology to facilitate human life rather than a negative impact.

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