Friday 17 April 2015

Bilingual Education

Bilingual Education

Bilingual education is a form of education in which information is presented to the students in two (or more) languages. Technically, any educational system that utilizes more than one language is bilingual. This means that many, if not most, school programs are bilingual, in at least a literal sense of the word. What differentiates various programs that are toted as ‘bilingual’ is the degree to which multiple languages are used.

Opponents of bilingual education in Malaysia will argue that it is costly and wasteful to educate in any language other than the language of Malays, as melayu serves as a lingua franca Malaysian society. Although Malaysia has not recognized the official national language, some organizations and groups of individuals believe that the presence and use of language 'alien' is a direct threat to the traditional role and honorably Malay language.

Supporters of bilingual education, however, thought otherwise. If non-English speaking students receiving education in both their native language and the Malay language, they will learn the Malay language in a more organic and effective, improving both their skills in languages ​​other than English. Children who are exposed to a variety of language in an academic environment would not be ashamed to use their native language and in turn will become the framework of a more open mind to learn and master the Malay language.

Our group is to support bilingual education because we believe that, in an increasingly interconnected global society we, it is important to be able to communicate with each other. Most other countries in the world to have people of different languages, and we want to see Malaysians counted among them. 'Threat' views Malay criticized by opponents for bilingual education is nothing more than a change in the natural language; teach students to our country in more than one language will not sacrifice the Malay language fluency, but rather will provide the youth of our country with the tools they need to become successful members of our global society.

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