Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Earth is increasingly polluted due to environmental pollution. In Malaysia is currently preoccupied with measures to overcome the environmental pollution caused by the hands of man himself. For example:Noise Pollution,Air Pollution,water pollution and Land pollution .

Among the causes of environmental pollution is the release of smog containing gases that berbahaya.Terdapat factories do not install filters and cause smoke pollution udara.Pelepasan vehicles using lead also causes air pollution.

In addition, the disposal of garbage by people who are not accountable and disposal of toxic waste from factories and piped into the river causing polluted rivers and aquatic life mati.Pertumpahan OIL widespread around the world causing sea pollution and marine catches declined.Hence, human beings are not responsible to throw rubbish all over the place causing pollution tanah.Sikap not responsible for this human cause flash floods.

The increased use of chemical fertilizers cause pencemaran.Pembakaran opened by individuals who are not responsible for the pollution of the world when ini.Pengaliran add chemicals to the sea and the river led to a lack of clean water supplies to human and animals.

In conclusion, we must take care of the earth as well as possible and in the earth, too, will be inhabited by generations to come.

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