Wednesday 29 April 2015


Genetic engineering involves research and genetic modification of humans, animals and plants. There have been many successes achieved by researchers abroad in this aspect so that there is extensive coverage of international media. However, each technology must be good and bad effects.

The possibility of the positive aspects of genetic engineering are the couple who had no children. Now, there are technologies and methods that enable such couples who have children with easy and secure. The presence of children in a family is certainly capable of providing more cheerful atmosphere envisioned by humans.

In fact, this technology can also make a preliminary investigation to determine that the child would be born that does not have any particular defect. Such action makes genetic determinism is certainly capable of providing a relief to the parents of children who will receive it in their lives.

The most interesting impacts brought by this technology is the livestock industry will be able to be extended. Definitely more high-quality livestock breeds can be produced easily and quickly. The results of such animals give humans an important source of protein to ensure keseinambungan human life. Farmers will not experience any problems critical to generate good results.

However, genetic engineering has also brought negative impacts which should be emphasized by the public. There will be certain groups that will use this technology to do things that are contrary to the teachings of religion and law. Human cloning for any action that would cause hardship to the negative elements of society. Imagine that criminals can easily change and complicate the police prevent them from committing crimes repeatedly.

In conclusion, genetic technology is good for humans only that we should be aware of the limitations that exist. Any attempt to use this technology to bring the problem to human life should be outlawed by the government. Proposed technology to facilitate human life rather than a negative impact.


NAME: Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj
DATE OF BIRTH: February 8, 1903
TITLE: Father of Independence
DURATION OF SERVICES: August 31, 1957 to 21 September 1970

SERVICES Tunku Abdul Rahman, which should not be overlooked when he managed to bring independence to the country without bloodshed. He became the leader of the First Malaya Umno.

Tunku suggest reading the Quran and become the country's main al-Quran Competition Festival first took place on the international stage March 9, 1961.

Tunku also established the National Education Policy (1956), Cultural Policy and the National Language Act (1963/67), which marks his countrymen child-centered education.

Tunku's name is remembered as an authority when it is able to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963 that originally comprised the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore.

Some critics said the action history of Singapore from Malaysia Tunku away after the participation of the People's Action Party (PAP) in the general election in 1964, giving rise to tension the Malays and Chinese, is a big mistake because it led to Singapore's separation from Malaysia suicide in 1965.

Tunku also known as a leader who emphasizes unity, even willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of people's welfare. However, his efforts were not successful when communal riots broke out on May 13, 1969. Tunku died on December 6, 1990 in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital and was buried in the Royal Mausoleum hit, Alor Setar.


Based on the finding from this research , the teachers in this study were aware of the advantages and disadvantages of school based assessment (SBA). 

  1. Help all students learn more by demanding higher student proficiency and providing effective methods to help students achieve high standards
  2. Provide parents, schools, and communities with an unprecedented opportunity to debate and reach agreement on what students should know and be able to do
  3.  Focus the education system on understandable, objective, measurable, and well-defined goals to enable schools to work smarter and more productively
  4. Reinforce the best teaching and educational practices already found in classrooms and make them the norm
  5. Provide real accountability by focusing squarely on results and helping the public and local and state educators evaluate which programs work best.

  1. In many schools the careless implementation of standards and assessment may have negative consequences for students.
  2. Vague and unclear standards in several subject areas in several states complicate matters and do not serve as concrete standards defining what students should know and be able to do.
  3. Top-down standards imposed by the federal or state government are also problematic.  They impose content specifications without taking into account the different needs, opportunities to learn, and skills that may be appropriate for specific districts or regions.

In school based assessment, the teachers need to manage, synthesizing, interpreting and using student's assessment data that need to obtain from a multifaceted assessment system, thus this complex duties can be a stressful task for the educator if the assessment systems is lack coherence, school staff do not experience in student assessment, and the time, attention and energies of teachers and administrators are need to stretch to personal limits.  Even though teachers in our country aware about the importance of school based assessment, but they emphasized about the time constraints and a heavy teaching load that they need to carry when this concept of assessment is implemented in classroom as a culprits in its effectiveness implementation. Besides the issues of time constraint and heavy teaching load, they also raise the issues of reliability and validity of school based test. Hence, it is important for a school system to constantly assess the quality of instruction, learning and assessment provided in its schools.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Advantages of homeschooling:
  1. More independence and creativity INDIVIDUAL.
  2. Provide an opportunity to achieve individual competencies as much as possible.
  3. Protection of socially deviant, such as "drugs, violence, delinquency. Which is bad for children. Even the smallest things such as "food cake malnutrition",
  4. Foster self-reliance and self-confidence in children. Without comparing the advantages of another child while at school.
  5. Parents can learn even more focus and more effective because the flexible hours.
  6. Can make parents directly as role models.
  7. More prepared for real life.
  8. More encouraged to perform religious activities, recreation / sports family
  9. Helping children develop well, to understand him and his role in the real world with freedom of speech, refuse or agree certain values without fear to get a friend or censure of less value.
  10. Teach children with a variety of situations, conditions and environment of family SOCIAL.

Disadvantages of homeschooling:
  1. Children who learn in less homeschooling interact with peers from different social status, which can provide valuable experience to learn to live in society.
  2. School is a special place to learn to train children to compete and achieve success as high
  3. There are no standardized curriculum.
  4. Lack of interest to study harder in order to keep up with classmates.
  5. Homeschooling can isolate students from the realities of the less enjoyable that can affect the development INDIVIDUALS.
  6. When the child is studying in homeschooling, it is likely he will be isolated from the less favorable social environment so that it will be less prepared to cope with any offense or uncertainty.


Earth is increasingly polluted due to environmental pollution. In Malaysia is currently preoccupied with measures to overcome the environmental pollution caused by the hands of man himself. For example:Noise Pollution,Air Pollution,water pollution and Land pollution .

Among the causes of environmental pollution is the release of smog containing gases that berbahaya.Terdapat factories do not install filters and cause smoke pollution udara.Pelepasan vehicles using lead also causes air pollution.

In addition, the disposal of garbage by people who are not accountable and disposal of toxic waste from factories and piped into the river causing polluted rivers and aquatic life mati.Pertumpahan OIL widespread around the world causing sea pollution and marine catches declined.Hence, human beings are not responsible to throw rubbish all over the place causing pollution tanah.Sikap not responsible for this human cause flash floods.

The increased use of chemical fertilizers cause pencemaran.Pembakaran opened by individuals who are not responsible for the pollution of the world when ini.Pengaliran add chemicals to the sea and the river led to a lack of clean water supplies to human and animals.

In conclusion, we must take care of the earth as well as possible and in the earth, too, will be inhabited by generations to come.

Friday 17 April 2015

Early childhood education shape children personality

Temperament consists of the individual differences in emotion, motor activation and attentional reaction to stimuli. Temperament shapes children’s outcomes and influences the way they interact with their environment and how adults and children respond to them.

All children are born with a unique personality and temperament. Their temperament affects how they behave and react to situations. However with the right approach, parents can mitigate some of the challenging aspects of their children’s temperaments.  

    • For children who are anxious, fearful or withdrawn in new situations, parents can avoid being over-protective and gently encourage them to explore new situations.
    • For children who are fearless and take too many risks, parents can be warm and loving, set firm boundaries and consistent schedules. 
    • For children who are impulsive, parents can praise good behaviour (when children control their impulses) and be gentle with discipline. 

    Overall, children tend to have better temperaments when parents show lots of support and affection, set limits, use positive discipline, and respond consistently to their needs.

    Bilingual Education

    Bilingual Education

    Bilingual education is a form of education in which information is presented to the students in two (or more) languages. Technically, any educational system that utilizes more than one language is bilingual. This means that many, if not most, school programs are bilingual, in at least a literal sense of the word. What differentiates various programs that are toted as ‘bilingual’ is the degree to which multiple languages are used.

    Opponents of bilingual education in Malaysia will argue that it is costly and wasteful to educate in any language other than the language of Malays, as melayu serves as a lingua franca Malaysian society. Although Malaysia has not recognized the official national language, some organizations and groups of individuals believe that the presence and use of language 'alien' is a direct threat to the traditional role and honorably Malay language.

    Supporters of bilingual education, however, thought otherwise. If non-English speaking students receiving education in both their native language and the Malay language, they will learn the Malay language in a more organic and effective, improving both their skills in languages ​​other than English. Children who are exposed to a variety of language in an academic environment would not be ashamed to use their native language and in turn will become the framework of a more open mind to learn and master the Malay language.

    Our group is to support bilingual education because we believe that, in an increasingly interconnected global society we, it is important to be able to communicate with each other. Most other countries in the world to have people of different languages, and we want to see Malaysians counted among them. 'Threat' views Malay criticized by opponents for bilingual education is nothing more than a change in the natural language; teach students to our country in more than one language will not sacrifice the Malay language fluency, but rather will provide the youth of our country with the tools they need to become successful members of our global society.